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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Van Vorst Park Association meeting

Van Vorst Park Association Meeting
Meeting Tuesday September 17th , 7:30PM at the Barrow Mansion
83 Wayne Street
All are welcome!  Snacks will be served!
Jorge Mastropietro-New Building at 54 Bright Street
Architect Jorge Mastropietro will present his plans for 54 Bright Street. Proposed is a 4 story-4 unit building.  The project utilizes a variety of design strategies. Significant attention has been focused on the exterior skin of the project and its appearance towards the surrounding historic neighborhood.The primary materials for the project consist of brick masonry, and horizontal cedar wood siding. He is open for public comments & questions and will answer any of our concerns.

Jorge is presenting to The Historic Preservation Commission tonite, Monday September 16th, 6:30pm Council Chambers if anyone would like to attend.
                            image courtesy of smithratliff

Bright Street Redevelopment-Bright & Varick
Subcommittee will present the latest information on the current status of the proposed development on 268 Varick St. (the corner of Bright & Varick, across from the main entrance of PS3/MS4 school) 

The redevelopment plan and proposed project is for an extremely high density (87 units) development - over 4x what is allowed in the Van Vorst neighborhood. It also has ZERO parking provisions. How this project is being allowed is very concerning for all in the neighborhood and sets dangerous precedents for the surrounding communities. So please come if you want to learn more, get involved or at least stop in and sign our petition of support.


It truly is the end of summer. Films in Van Vorst finished up September 4th with the funny & touching SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK.  We are so grateful to all our volunteers who schlepped popcorn machines, movie screens, speakers, wires...for 3 months!!!! Thanks to all!

Our labor was free but the movies were not....Each film cost us close to $300 dollars.  The Van Vorst Park Association was only able to bring the films to the Park with the generosity of Friends of Van Vorst Park and our wonderful donors.  Please support them. By supporting them we thank them. Or feel free to donate on the Films in Van Vorst webpage  www.filmsinvanvorst.com

Friday September 20th 6-8pm

Check out the newest gallery in Van Vorst!!
An evening of unique presentations in each of the exhibition rooms of our current show,including spoken word, music performances, artist demonstrations and interactive art-making. Wine will be served. Admission is free.

Don't forget the Farmers Market every Saturday in VVP