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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Riverview Neighborhood Association meeting


Please join us this Tuesday, May 8th at 7:30PM for our monthly meeting at 178 Ogden Ave, 1st Floor Cafeteria.

Volunteer Power!

In January, RNA created three committees based on the interests members identified during our strategic planning session: Taste of the Heights (TOTH) our social/outreach committee, the Business Committee which is reaching out to the local business community to identify ways we can better support each other, and the Cleanup Committee which is working hard on initiatives that will spruce up the neighborhood and help change the culture of litter here.

At this month's meeting, you will have an opportunity to hear from each committee about the amazing achievements they have had so far and better understand their volunteer needs going forward. Just some highlights from their first four months in existence:
TOTH: Superbowl Party, JC Fridays support, Meet up at Amalfi's after the Big Spring Cleanup
Business Committee - personal outreach to dozens of businesses along Palisade and Central Ave (and others in between!) and held its first forum with these businesses.
Cleanup Committee - participated in the cleanup of Mountain Road and the six Spring Into Action cleanups throughout the Heights, and helped plan and manage the Big Spring Cleanup, where we created a JCIA outpost right in Riverview Park (see below).
Their efforts have made a huge impact and we thank them. Come to the meeting on May 8th at 7:30PM at the Harbor View Health Center (178 Ogden at Franklin) and get to know the amazing individuals who are making it happen. In keeping with our 2012 theme of taking small steps that make a big difference, please bring a non-perishable food item for donation to St. Lucy's Shelter.