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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lafayette Pool Ribbon Cutting

Lafayette/ Morris Canal Area Residents

The Lafayette Pool at Johnston Avenue and Van Horne Street will be opening July 1st with an official ribbon cutting ceremony.  I am told the ceremony is scheduled to begin at 12 noon.

This pool is a direct result of the aggressive efforts of Betty Kearns who help the community designate this site for a water park, the EPA Brownfield’s Pilot Program and Green Acre Funding that required community participation through the Brownfield’s Stakeholders Meetings, the Morris Canal Coalition for advertising & hosting the Stakeholders meetings, you the community that attended and voted for the project and of course, the City of Jersey City. 

Come out to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and take pride in something good that you made happen!

June Jones

Morris Canal Redevelopment Area Coalition
Morris Canal Community Development Corporation
360 Communipaw Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07304

Phone (201) 915-9600
Fax      (201) 915-9607