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Uta Brauser


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Friday, January 29, 2010

carnivalFaschingFasnachtGlamour party

Mary Benson Gallery: (3rd Street & Brunswick)
Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 9:00pm - 2:00am

It is Fasching, Karneval or Mardi Gras season!!
Germans use any excuse to party. Most people actually.
This is also a fundraiser for the Creative Grove Artist & Designer market.
suggested $12 donation includes 2 drinks

prizes for best costume

Carnival is a pagan tradition adopted into Christian religions,
originally intended to chase away bad spirits. Masks, tam tam with loud noises, and wild gestures should help the villages and cities free of threatening spirits. all through Europe, the Caribbean, south America and New Orleans it is celebrated, a long season from new years to Fat Tuesday!!!
deejays Pastiche and Dj Deep Creep (so far)
ElmGrove psychedelic visuals projections